Let's cut the …

It's not easy to create engaging content for different target audiences.

So much needs to go on behind the scenes beforehand. You need to understand your audience, their wants, needs and pain points and set the right image and tone so that it is well received. But how can you do this and drive results?

1. Create a buying persona for each target audience that represents them, their characteristics and behaviour. This will help you to truly understand their motivations, frustrations as well as their expectations. Which in turn means that you can engage, educate and influence your audience effectively.

2. Choose the right platform. Be aware of where your personas spend their time on social media. If your persona is a Gen-Z fashionista, you may find the most success using TikTok, Instagram and YouTube using a combination of videos, reels and stories. In contrast, if your persona is more business oriented, LinkedIn and Podcasts may be the best fit for you.

3. Offer solutions. Your potential customers need to know what's in it for them, it's no good to say 'We use premium ingredients' as it doesn't mean much. Create value and relevance, offer solutions, insights and tips such as 'Our moisturiser only uses natural ingredients to promote firmer and more supple skin without irritation'. Align your content to your brand values, purpose and showcase the benefits not the features to your target audience. 

Creating content that is memorable, entertaining, informative and that resonates with your target audience truly is an art form and you may need to test and experiment with different strategies. Make sure you always track and analyse your content's performance so you can make improvements to evolve for best response.

Influencer marketing is an excellent way to talk to your target audience and is typically more well-received than content from your brand directly. This is because it harnesses the power of word of mouth and amplifies it on social media, whilst taking into account your personas, platform and provides solutions through authentic endorsements and recommendations.

If you aren't using influencer marketing or UGC as part of your marketing mix already, we would highly recommend it and we're on hand to help should you need us.


Embracing Pop Culture

